
Thursday, June 23, 2011

5 Things I Desperately Want to Buy, But Haven’t, Because I’m Saving For India

My boyfriend recently, in a very casual way, mentioned he was thinking about what to get me for my birthday. I immediately sent him the link to this bad boy.
“THIS. THIS IS WHAT I WANT. GET IT FOR ME. Do not stop, do not pass go, do not buy me some crappy shit- PURCHASE THIS GODDAM TIGER.”
I think honest communication is important in a relationship and my Karlos needed to know I honestly need this tiger so much. I could pretend it was him when I get lonely (Long distance relationships are balls);I could pretend I was Princess Jasmine (My favorite Disney princess) and this was my pet tiger Raja; I could even pretend it was my kitty for when I miss my kittens. The only thing I couldn’t pretend to be is a mature adult who makes sensible purchase decisions.

Hit the jump for the other 4.

I love dresses. And I love this dress. Not only is it super sexy, my favorite color, and a great price- I could also see my self getting drunk and pretending to be Batman while wearing this.

I love fun home décor. That’s the reason, that despite being a poor student, I spend my cash on things like a rack of antlers for my wall (Sika deer, skull attached, 8 points), a vintage Keith Haring throw pillow, a home made comic book collage screen* and literally hundreds of matching orange penguin classics**. But my favorite, favorite thing in my room is always my perfect, white duvet- and this duvet is a whole other level of perfect. This is a bed I could spend my whole life in. This bed is a lake of beauty I would happily drown in. Yeah, pretty much, I WANT IT. Plus there’s all these matching accessories- matching is the shit.

I don’t really have a reason for this one. I just… I love dressing up in costumes and I know I would look totally badass in this one. But it’s not like I can ever buy it anyway because it’s for sale on Trade Me and I’ve placed a fatwa on Trade Me.

This jacket combines fluffiness and hilarity; two qualities I prize highly in clothing. And it would pretty much be a practical thing to purchase since I’m going to Tibet after India; and if the movie ‘Seven Years in Tibet’ with Brad Pitt is anything to go by, shit gets cold up there. Unfortunately, this sexy hunk of faux fur retails for $789 so unless I manage to gain control of a criminal empire or say, get a job, in the immediate future, I don’t think I can afford it.

*My Dad helped me make it out of my comic book collection when I was 14. It is so super cool.
**I have this thing about arranging my books that I want them to be in alphabetical order; but also in height order. Obviously, that doesn’t work- unless my only books are Penguin Classics, which are all the same height. Crisis averted!


  1. I like this post and I will buy a tiger for you,totally

  2. Haha, you're the best. I'll promise I let you play with it!

  3. Unless you make it pretend to be a dj D:<
